Baby Rash Pictures, Causes, Treatments

From diaper rash to impetigo, learn about baby rash causes and treatments.

tali ditye author mommyhood101  By: Tali Ditye, Ph.D., Co-founder
  Updated: May 26, 2023

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Several baby rash pictures are categorized below. Only your doctor can correctly diagnose a rash and accurately identify its source. Below are pictures of the 10 most common baby rashes, and there are some links to useful pictures that can help you isolate the cause of a rash. Also be sure to check out our list of the best diaper rash creams!

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1. Diaper Rash Pictures:

diaper rash on baby diaper rash on baby diaper rash on baby

Diaper Rash Treatment Option 1: Triple Paste Ointment

Diaper Rash Treatment Option 2: A+D Original Ointment, Diaper Rash Skincare

Also check out our full article about the best diaper rash creams, balms, and ointments.

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2. Hives Pictures:

hives on baby hives on baby hives on baby

hives on baby hives on baby hives on baby

For more pictures of hives, see:

3. Viral Rash Pictures (commonly seen with the common cold):

viral rash on baby viral rash on baby viral rash on baby

viral rash on baby viral rash on baby viral rash on baby

Viral Rash Treatment Option:Burt's Baby Bee Hypoallergenic Calming Lotion

4. Roseola Pictures (aka Sixth Disease, baby measles):

roseola rash on baby roseola on baby roseola on baby

roseola on baby roseola rash on baby roseola on baby

For more pictures of roseola, see:

newton crib mattress

5. Ringworm Rash Pictures:

ringworm rash on baby ringworm rash on baby ringworm rash on baby

ringworm rash on baby ringworm rash on baby ringworm rash on baby

For more pictures of ringworm rash, see:

6. Eczema Rash Pictures:

eczema rash on baby eczema rash on baby eczema rash on baby

eczema rash on baby eczema rash on baby eczema rash on baby

While you should definitely see a doctor about eczema treatment, be sure to also check out our list of the best baby lotions of the year!

Eczema Treatment Option 1: Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Soothing Bath Treatment

Eczema Treatment Option 2: Eucerin Baby Eczema Relief Body Cream

Eczema Treatment Option 3: Michaderm Eczema All Natural Calming Cream

7. Chickenpox Rash Pictures:

chickenpox on baby rash chickenpox rash on baby chickenpox on baby rash

chickenpox on baby rash chickenpox rash on baby chickenpox on baby rash

For more pictures of chickenpox rash, see:

Chicken Pox Treatment Option 1: ViraSoothe Chickenpox Relief Cooling Gel

Chicken Pox Treatment Option 2: Native Remedies Chikkie Spot Soother

8. Impetigo Pictures:

impetigo rash on baby impetigo rash on baby impetigo rash on baby

impetigo rash on baby impetigo rash on baby impetigo rash on baby

9. Heat Rash Pictures ('prickly heat'):

heat rash on baby heat rash on baby heat rash on baby

heat rash on baby heat rash on baby heat rash on baby

For more heat rash pictures, see:

Heat Rash Treatment Option 1: Burt's Bees Baby Bee Powder

Heat Rash Treatment Option 2: Caldesene Baby Care Powder

For more general rash pictures, categorized by condition, see:

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