Episode 10: Dealing with Postpartum Hair Loss!
From shedding to shining: how to tackle postpartum hair loss.
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In this podcast episode, we tackle postpartum hair loss and discuss science-based recommendations for handling it during and after pregnancy.
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Hey everyone and welcome to today's episode.
We're tackling a topic that I know resonates with many women out there.
Postpartum hair loss.
It's definitely something we hear about a lot.
It really is. And we're going to explore a potential solution that's been getting some attention. Low-level laser therapy or LLLT as it's commonly known.
Sounds promising.
I think so, too. We've got three really interesting sources to help us unpack all of this. We've got a research study that looks specifically at using LLLT to treat hair loss.
Okay, we've also got another study that focused on how women feel about their bodies after giving birth. And to round things out, we have a systematic review that examined a whole bunch of different studies on LLLT and how well it works.
So, we're getting the full picture here.
Exactly. A full deep dive. Now, I think most of us have heard of postpartum hair loss, but hair loss in general is a surprisingly common issue. Did you know that over half the world's population is dealing with some form of hair loss?
Wow. Over half. That's a lot. more than I would have thought.
Right. And it's not just one single thing that causes it either.
Oh, I know. There are so many different factors that can contribute.
Exactly. Genetics, hormones, medical treatments, you name it.
It can be really hard to pinpoint the exact cause. Sometimes
it really can. But for many women, that period after giving birth is when they really start to notice the shedding.
Absolutely. Hormones are definitely at play there.
They are. And that's where our second source comes in. That study on women's postpartum body image. It really highlights just how much hair loss can impact women during this time. Did you know that the study found that 80.9% of women felt dissatisfied with their bodies after childbirth? And guess what was one of the main things they pointed to?
I'm going to guess hair loss.
You got it. Hair loss was a major source of dissatisfaction.
That makes a lot of sense. I mean, you're already going through so many changes physically and emotionally as you adjust to motherhood.
You are. It's a huge transition.
And then to add hair loss on top of that, It can really affect how you feel about yourself.
It really can. And that's precisely why it's so important to explore possible solutions.
Absolutely. So, let's talk about LLLT. What is it and how does it work?
Okay. So, LLLT stands for low-level laser therapy. And it's a non-invasive treatment that uses these low-level lasers to stimulate hair follicles.
So, no surgery or injections or anything like that?
Nope. It's all about delivering light energy to those follicles. And the idea is that this energy can help shift them from a resting phase into a growth phase.
Interesting. So, it's like giving those hair follicles a wakeup call basically.
Exactly. Encouraging them to start growing hair again.
I like it. So, tell me about that research study that looked specifically at LLLT for hair loss. What did they find?
Well, this study followed participants for 9 months.
And they focused on using a very specific wavelength of LLLT,550 nanometers. And the results were pretty impressive. They found that LLLT, especially when used consistently, could significantly reduce hair loss.
That's encouraging. And did they compare it to a control group?
They did. They had a group using the LLLT and sticking with those maintenance treatments and they saw their hair loss decrease by almost 70%.
Wow. That's a big difference.
It is. Even the control group who weren't using the LLLT saw some initial improvement, but in the long run, the results were much stronger for those who kept up with the LLLT treatments.
Interesting. So, consistency is key. It seems
it definitely seems that way. And you know, if you think about those women from that image study who were feeling so distressed about their hair loss. It makes you wonder if LLLT could offer some real hope.
Yeah, it really does. It could potentially address both the physical hair loss and the emotional distress that comes with it.
Okay, so we have one study that shows some really positive results. But before we get too carried away, I'm curious to hear about that systematic review we mentioned.
Yeah, let's dig into that.
It looked at several different studies on LLLT, right? What was the overall takeaway? Did those positive results hold up?
They did. This review analyzed seven different randomized control trials, which is, you know, like the gold standard for medical research. Okay.
Just to really get a solid understanding of how effective LLLT is for hair loss.
And what did they find? Did LLLT pass the test?
It did. All seven studies showed that LLLT had a positive effect on hair loss. And here's the thing, this was true for both men and women.
Interesting. So, it's not just a guy thing like some people might think,
right? Hair loss can affect anyone.
That's good to know.
And were there any downsides, any side effects reported or anything like that?
That's the best part. None of the studies reported any side effects from using LLLT.
Wow, that's great.
Yeah. And this review actually went even further. It looked at 32 FDA-cleared home LLLT devices.
Oh, wow. So, these aren't just like, you know, risky experimental treatment.
No, not at all. These are legitimate devices that people can feel confident using. They've been rigorously tested and approved.
Okay. So, we've established that LLLT seems to be a safe and effective way to treat hair loss.
But I'm curious about the specifics, like what did this review tell us about the different types of LLLT devices that are out there and how often people need to use them?
Well, they looked at a variety of devices like homes, helmets, caps, and they found that they all worked pretty well.
the studies use different wavelengths of light, too. Mostly between 620 and 678 nanometers.
which if you remember that first study we talked about, used a 1550 nanometer wavelength.
Right. Right. So there's some variation there.
Yeah. So it's interesting to see that those positive results are showing up across different wavelengths and device types.
That makes me wonder, is there a particular type of device or wavelength that's like the most effective or is it still too early to say?
That's a great question. It's probably still a bit too early to tell definitively.
More research is always helpful, of course, but the fact that we're seeing positive results across the board is really encouraging.
It is. It really is.
It suggests that LLLT has a lot of potential.
It does. You know, thinking about all this, it makes me wonder about something else.
We've been talking about how common and distressing postpartum hair loss can be for women.
But what if instead of waiting until it becomes a problem, we could actually do something to prevent it. Oh, now that's a fascinating thought. Shifting from a reactive approach to a more proactive one.
Exactly. Imagine if health care providers started talking to women during pregnancy about you know, the likelihood of hair loss after childirth and they could offer information about LLLT or even other things that might help minimize hair loss.
It would be like equipping women with knowledge and resources in advance so they feel more prepared and less overwhelmed if it does happen,
right? And maybe just maybe it could help some women avoid those feelings of, you know, distress and body dissatisfaction that we talked about earlier.
That would be huge, a really positive impact.
Okay, so we've talked about LLLT, but are there any other things that women can do to minimize hair loss.
Well, there's another study we haven't touched on yet. This one looked at factors that can actually make postpartum hair loss worse. I think it could be helpful to unpack that a little bit.
Yeah, let's dive into that. What did this study tell us about those kind of exacerbating factors?
Well, this study used a questionnaire to gather information from women about their postpartum hair loss experiences. And one of the things they found was that it's really common. Like over 90% of the women in the study reported some degree of hair loss after giving birth.
Wow. 90%. That's even higher than that percentage we talked about earlier from that body image study.
It is. It really highlights how common this issue is.
It does.
So, what about those exacerbating factors? What did they find?
Well, they found two main things.
Okay, listen.
The first one might surprise you. Longer term breastfeeding.
Really? But I thought breastfeeding could actually help with hair loss because it suppresses estrogen
and low estrogen is often linked to hair shedding.
Right. You're right to point that out. And it does seem counterintuitive, but this study found that women who breastfed for longer periods were more likely to report hair loss.
So, how do we explain that?
Well, the study didn't give a definitive answer, but one possible explanation is that the, you know, extended suppression of estrogen from breastfeeding could lead to a more dramatic hormonal shift once breastfeeding stops.
Oh, so it's not breastfeeding itself that's the problem. Yeah,
but maybe that sudden change in hormone levels when you wean Exactly. It's like your body goes through a readjustment period and sometimes that can trigger a wave of hair loss.
Oh, that makes sense. Yeah.
Okay. So, what was the second factor?
This one might seem a little more straightforward. Pre-term labor.
Yeah, I can see how that could be a contributing factor. I mean, preterm labor is obviously a very stressful experience both for the mother and the baby.
Exactly. And the researchers suggested a possible link between preterm labor and inflammation, which we know can also play a role in hair loss.
Right. So, we're starting to see a more complex picture emerge here. Postpartum hair loss is incredibly common.
It is.
And while hormones are definitely involved, there are other things like inflammation and the stress of preterm labor that can contribute to it as well.
It's not a simple issue.
Not at all. And we can't forget the psychological piece of this, too. We know from that earlier study that, you know, a lot of women feel anxious and stressed about their hair loss. So, it's definitely not just a cosmetic issue.
You know, as we've been talking about all of this, I'm thinking about our listener. What do I want them to take away from this deep dive?
I think a key takeaway is that knowledge is power. The more we understand about postpartum hair loss, the better equipped we are to deal with it.
I agree. If you know that hair loss is common, that it's often temporary and that there are things you can do to address it, like using LLLT, it can help you feel more in control.
Absolutely. And knowing about those potential exacerbating factors can also help you, you know, make informed decisions and manage your expectations.
Yes, totally. Like if you know that longerterm breastfeeding might increase your chances of hair loss, it might help you mentally prepare for that possibility, right?
And maybe have a conversation with your doctor about whether LLLT might be something to consider later on.
That's a great point. It's all about, you know, feeling empowered and taking proactive steps.
Now, before we wrap up completely, there's one more thought I want to leave our listener with. We talked about incorporating LLLT into postpartum care more routinely, but I think we go even further than that.
Oh, I love it when you say that. What do you have in mind? Oh, I love it when you say that. What do you have in mind?
Well, we talked about incorporating LLLT into postpartum care more routinely, but what if we started viewing postpartum hair loss
and really the whole range of postpartum body changes.
Through a more preventative lens.
That's a really interesting perspective. Instead of just reacting to problems as they arise, right,
what if we could anticipate and potentially mitigate them.
Exactly. What if during pregnancy healthcare providers started having conversations with women about, you know, the potential for hair loss,
weight gain, and other changes?
Yeah. It could be as simple as saying, "Hey, these are common experiences, and here are some things you can do to prepare yourself both physically and emotionally,
right?" And it wouldn't just be about offering potential solutions, but also about normalizing these experiences
so that women don't feel like they're alone or that there's something wrong with them if they experience these changes. Exactly. It's about shifting the conversation from, oh no, this is happening to me to, okay, this might happen and here's how I can handle it.
It's about empowering women with knowledge and resources before they even enter the postpartum period.
I love that. It's a proactive approach to postpartum care that goes beyond simply addressing problems after they've already arisen.
It's about setting women up for success both physically and emotionally as they embark on their motherhood journey.
And on That empowering note, we've reached the end of our deep dive into postpartum hair loss and LLLT. We hope you learned some valuable insights today and that this information will help you navigate your own experiences or support the women in your life who might be going through this.
Remember, knowledge is power and the more we understand about our bodies and the challenges we might face, the better equipped we are to handle them. Thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time.

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