Whether boy or girl, these gender-neutral monikers are always out of this world!

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Picking a gender-neutral baby name is becoming very popular, and there are tons of reasons why parents are turning to unisex names when picking the perfect moniker for their baby-to-be.
We pulled together 350 baby names that work well as boy names and girl names, and did the painstaking research for you. We researched the origin of each baby name, its meaning, and checked the Social Security database and digital media to see whether they are popular this year.
Here is the Complete List of Unisex Baby Names!
Addison | Old English | Child of Adam. | Yes |
Adlai | Hebrew | My ornament. | No |
Adrian | Latin | Dark one. | No |
Aiden | Irish Gaelic | Fiery one. | Yes |
Ainsley | Irish Gaelic | One's own meadow. | No |
Alby | Irish | From Alba. | No |
Alex | Greek | Defender of mankind. | No |
Alexis | Greek | Helper. | Yes |
Ali | Arabic | Exalted, noble. | No |
Amari | African - Yoruba | Strength. | No |
Amen | Egyptian | Power of the universe. | Yes |
Amory | Old German | Home ruler. | No |
Andie | Greek | Element Andros (man). | No |
Andy | Greek | Element Andros (man). | No |
Angel | Greek | Messenger/angel. | No |
Archer | Old French | Bowman. | No |
Arden | Latin | Ardent, fiery, enthusiastic. | No |
Ari | Hebrew | Lion. | No |
Ariel | Hebrew | Lion of God. | Yes |
Armani | Hebrew | Castle. | Yes |
Arrow | Celtic | Stream or bowman. | No |
Arya | Persian | Lion. | No |
Ash | Hebrew | Happy, cheerful. | Yes |
Ashley | Old English | From the ash tree meadow. | Yes |
Ashton | Old English | From the ash-tree village. | Yes |
Aspen | English | Trembling tree. | Yes |
Aubrey | Old French | Elf ruler. | Yes |
Auden | Old English | Old friend. | No |
August | Latin | Worthy of respect. | Yes |
Austin/Austen | Latin | Great, magnificent. | Yes |
Avery | Old English | Elven ruler. | Yes |
Avis | Germanic | Desired. | No |
Azariah | Hebrew | God has helped. | Yes |
Bailey | Old English | Bailiff, law enforcer. | Yes |
Baker | Old English | Occupation/baker. | No |
Bay | Vietnamese | Born on Saturday. | No |
Bellamy | Old French | Handsome friend. | No |
Bergen | Norse | Lives on the hill. | No |
Bevan | Welsh | Son of Evan. | No |
Billy/Billie | English | Resolute protector. | No |
Blaine | Irish Gaelic | Thin, slender. | No |
Blair | Scots Gaelic | A plain. | No |
Blake | Old English | Pale-skinned or Dark. | No |
Blue | American | Color or sad. | No |
Bobby/Bobbie | Germanic | Shining. | No |
Bowie | Scots Gaelic | Blond. | No |
Brady | Old English | From the broad island. | Yes |
Brennan | Irish Gaelic | Descendant of Brennan. | Yes |
Brent | Old English | From the steep hill. | No |
Breslin | Irish Gaelic | Violent. | No |
Brett | Latin | From Britain. | No |
Briar | Old French | Heather. | No |
Brighton | Hebrew | One who is loved. | Yes |
Bronwyn | Welsh | White bosom, fair. | No |
Brook | Old English | From the brook. | Yes |
Brooke | Old English | Small stream. | No |
Brooklyn | English | One who lives near a brook. | Yes |
Caelan | Irish Gaelic | Mighty warrior. | No |
Cameron | Scots Gaelic | Crooked nose. | Yes |
Campbell | Scots Gaelic | Crooked mouth. | Yes |
Carmel | Hebrew | Garden. | No |
Carmen | Latin | Song. | No |
Carroll | Old English | Man. | No |
Carson | Old English | Son of the marsh- dwellers. | No |
Carter/Karter | Old English | Cart driver. | Yes |
Casey | Irish Gaelic | Watchful, observant. | Yes |
Cassidy | Irish Gaelic | Ingenious, clever. | No |
Celyn | Welsh | Holly. | No |
Chandler | Old French | Candle merchant. | No |
Channing | Irish Gaelic | Young wolf. | Yes |
Charleston | English | Town of king Charles. | No |
Charlie/Charley | English | Independent. | Yes |
Chris/Kris | Greek | Carrier of Christ. | No |
Christian | Greek | Anointed, Christian. | No |
Clancy | Irish Gaelic | Red-haired. | No |
Clarke | Anglo-Irish | Clerk. | No |
Clay | Old English | From the place of clay. | No |
Clayton | Old English | From the clay- estate or town. | No |
Cleo | Greek | Glory, fame. | No |
Cody | Old English | Pillow. | No |
Corey | Irish Gaelic | From the hollow. | No |
Cypress | Greek | Long-lived, adaptable. | No |
Dakota/Dakotah | NAm. Indian - Dakota | Friend. | Yes |
Dale | Old English | From the valley. | No |
Dallas | Scots Gaelic | From Dallas, Scotland. | No |
Dana/Dane | Hebrew | From Denmark. | No |
Darby | Old English | From the deer park. | No |
Darrel/Darryl/Daryl | French | Darling. | No |
Dawson | Old English | Son of David. | No |
Delta | Greek | Fourth. | No |
Denver | Old English | From the green valley. | Yes |
Devin | Irish Gaelic | Poet, bard. | No |
Devon | Old English | From Devon. | No |
Dominique | French | Of the Lord. | Yes |
Dorian | Greek | From Doris. | No |
Drew | Welsh | Wise. | No |
Dylan | Welsh | Son of the sea. | No |
Easton | Old English | From East town. | No |
Eastyn | English | Area of land to the east. | No |
Eddie | English | Rich in friendship. | No |
Eden | Hebrew | Pleasure, delight. | No |
Egypt | Greek | That troubles or oppresses. | No |
Eli | Hebrew | On high, the highest. | No |
Ellery | Old English | From the elder tree island. | No |
Elliot/Elliott | Greek | Jehovah is God. | No |
Ellis | Hebrew | For life/for God. | No |
Ellison | Old English | Son of Ellis. | No |
Emerson | Old German | Emery's son. | Yes |
Emery/Emory | Germanic | Brave, powerful. | Yes |
Erin | Irish Gaelic | From Ireland. | No |
Ever | Hebrew | Strong as a boar. | No |
Everest | English | Highest in the world. | No |
Fabian | Latin | Possibly Bean- grower. | No |
Finley | Irish Gaelic | Fair-haired warrior. | Yes |
Finn | Old German | From Finland. | Yes |
Florian | Latin | Blooming. | No |
Flynn | Irish Gaelic | Son of the red-haired man. | No |
Francis/Frances | Latin | Liberated. | No |
Frankie | French | Free one/Frenchman. | Yes |
Gabriel | Hebrew | Hero of God. | No |
Gene/Jean | English | Wellborn. | No |
Gentry | Middle English | Nobility of birth or character. | No |
Gillian/Jillian | English | Youthful. | No |
Glen/Glenn | Irish Gaelic | Of the secluded valley. | No |
Gray/Grey | Old English | Gray haired. | No |
Greer | Scots Gaelic | Watchful, alert. | No |
Hadley | Old English | From the heather meadow. | Yes |
Halo | Greek | Divine aura. | No |
Hampton | English | One living in Hampton. | No |
Harley | Old English | From the long field. | Yes |
Harlow | Old English | From the army hill. | Yes |
Harper | Old English | Harp player. | Yes |
Haskell | English | Wisdom. | No |
Haven | Old English | From the safe harbor. | No |
Hayden | Old English | From the hedged valley. | Yes |
Hero | Greek | Heroic warrior. | No |
Holland | English | From Holland. | No |
Hollis | Old English | Near the holly bushes. | Yes |
Honor | Latin | Honor/virtue. | Yes |
Hudson | Old English | Hugh's son. | No |
Hunter | Old English | Hunter. | Yes |
Indiana | English | The country India. | No |
Indigo | Latin | Dark blue. | No |
Jackie/Jaqui | English | God is gracious. | No |
Jade | Spanish | Jade. | No |
Jaden/Jayden/Jaidyn | Hebrew | Jehovah has heard. | Yes |
Jael | Hebrew | Mountain goat. | Yes |
James/Jamie/Jayme | Hebrew/Spanish | Supplanter. | No |
Jan | Hebrew | Supplanter. | No |
Jaziah | Hebrew | God helps. | No |
Jean | Hebrew | Gift from God. | No |
Jesse/Jessie | Hebrew | Wealthy. | No |
Jody | Hebrew | Praise. | No |
Joe | Hebrew | May Jehovah add. | No |
Jordan | Hebrew | Descend. | Yes |
Journey | Anglo-French | Day's journey. | No |
Jules | French | Youthful. | Yes |
Julian | Latin | Jove's child. | No |
Justice | English | Just/righteous. | Yes |
Kaden | Irish Gaelic | Battler. | Yes |
Kadin | Arabic | Friend. | Yes |
Kai | Japanese | Forgiveness, mercy. | Yes |
Kamryn/Camryn | Irish Gaelic | Crooked nose. | Yes |
Keegan | Irish Gaelic | Small and ardent. | Yes |
Keelan | Irish Gaelic | Small, slim. | No |
Keely | Irish Gaelic | Beautiful, graceful. | No |
Kei | Japanese | Awe. | No |
Keith/Keath | Scottish | Large forest. | No |
Kelly | Irish Gaelic | Warrior. | Yes |
Kelsey | Old English | Possibly from the island. | Yes |
Kendall | Old English | From the valley of Kent. | Yes |
Kennedy/Kennedi | Irish | Helmeted head. | Yes |
Kensley | English | Clear spring. | Yes |
Kerry | Irish Gaelic | Dark one or From Kerry. | No |
Kevin | Irish Gaelic | Handsome. | No |
Kieran | Irish Gaelic | Dark one. | Yes |
Kiley | Irish Gaelic | Beautiful, handsome. | No |
Kim/Kym | English | Bold family/kin. | No |
Kingsley | Old English | From the king's meadow. | No |
Kylar | Irish | A wood or church. | Yes |
Kyle | Scots Gaelic | Narrow spit of land. | No |
Kylin | Irish Gaelic | Feminine of Kyle. | No |
Kyrie | Irish Gaelic | Dark. | No |
Lake | Old English | Lives by a stream. | No |
Landry | French | Powerful ruler. | Yes |
Lane | Old English | From the lane. | No |
Lee/Leigh | Old English | Dweller near the woods. | No |
Lennon | Irish Gaelic | Small cloak. | Yes |
Lennox | Scots Gaelic | With many elm trees. | No |
Leslie/Lesley | Scottish | Garden of hollies. | No |
Lincoln | Old English | From the town by the pool. | No |
Linden | English | Lime tree. | No |
Lindsay | Old English | From the island of linden trees. | No |
Logan | Irish Gaelic | From the small hollow. | Yes |
London | English | City of London. | No |
Lonnie | Germanic | Ready for battle. | No |
Loren | Germanic | Lives in Lourentum. | No |
Lou | Polynesian | Leaf. | No |
Lucian/Lucy-Ann | Latin | Bringer of light. | No |
Lumi | Finnish | Light bringer. | No |
Lyric | American | Of the lyre/song. | Yes |
Macey/Macy | English | Villages of Normandy. | No |
Mackenzie | Irish Gaelic | Son of the wise ruler. | Yes |
Madison | Old English | Son of the mighty warrior. | Yes |
Marley | Old English | From the meadow near a lake. | Yes |
Marlo | Hebrew | Bitter (Marilyn). | Yes |
Marlow | Old English | From the hill near the lake. | No |
Mason | Old French | Stoneworker. | Yes |
Max | Latin | Greatest. | Yes |
Maxwell | Old English | From Maccus' well. | Yes |
Memphis | Latin | Enduring and beautiful. | Yes |
Merit | Latin | Deserving. | No |
Merritt | Old English | Little famous one. | No |
Micah | Hebrew | Who is like God~? | Yes |
Michael | Hebrew | Who is like God~? | No |
Micky | Hebrew | Who is like God~? | No |
Milan | Hindu | Meeting. | No |
Miller | Old English | Miller. | No |
Monroe | Irish Gaelic | River delta or Red marsh. | No |
Montana | Spanish | Mountain. | Yes |
Morgan | Welsh | Possibly Great. | Yes |
Moriah | Hebrew | God is my teacher. | No |
Murphy | Irish Gaelic | Sea fighter. | Yes |
Navy | English | Dark blue, warships. | No |
Nevada | Spanish | Snowy. | No |
Nicky | English | Victory. | No |
Nico | Greek | Victorious people. | No |
Nikita | Greek | Victor. | No |
Noel/Noelle | French | Born at Christmas. | Yes |
Oakley | Old English | From the oak tree meadow. | Yes |
Ocean | English | Ocean. | Yes |
Ode | African - Nigerian | Born while travelling. | No |
Ore | Old English | Man of the mountains. | No |
Oswin | Old English | Divine friend. | No |
Owen | Welsh | Wellborn. | Yes |
Paris | Old English | From Paris. | No |
Parker | Old English | Park keeper. | Yes |
Pat | English | Patrician, noble. | No |
Payson | English | Son of peace. | No |
Payton/Peyton | Old English | From a small town. | Yes |
Peace | Old English | Peace. | No |
Perry/Perrie | English | Dwells by the pear tree. | Yes |
Phoenix | Greek | Bird reborn from ashes. | No |
Piper | Old English | Pipe player. | Yes |
Poet | English | One who writes verse. | No |
Quincy | Old French | From the estate of the 5th son. | No |
Quinn | Irish Gaelic | Wise. | Yes |
Raleigh | Old English | From the deer meadow. | No |
Ramsey | Scottish | Wild island. | Yes |
Raphael | Hebrew | God has healed. | No |
Ray | English | Behaves regally. | No |
Rayne/Rain | French | Strong counselor. | Yes |
Reagan | Irish | Descendant of Riagan. | Yes |
Rebel | Germanic | Little respect for authority. | No |
Reed | Old English | Red haired. | No |
Reese | Welsh | Ardent, fiery, enthusiastic. | No |
Regan | Irish Gaelic | Little king. | Yes |
Reilly | Irish | Courageous. | Yes |
Remi | French | Rower of a boat. | No |
Remington | Old English | From the raven- family town. | No |
Remy | Old French | From Rheims. | No |
Rene/Renee | French | Born again or reborn. | No |
Revel | English | Little respect for authority. | No |
Ridley | Old English | From the red meadow. | No |
Riley/Ryley | Irish Gaelic | Courageous. | Yes |
Rio | Spanish | River. | No |
Ripley | Old English | From the loud man's meadow. | No |
River | English | River or riverbank. | No |
Roan | Frisian | Raven. | No |
Robin/Robyn | Germanic | Bright, shining, famous. | No |
Rorey | Irish Gaelic | Red king. | No |
Rory | Irish Gaelic | Red. | No |
Roux ('Roo') | French | Little red one. | No |
Rowan | Old English | Rowan tree. | Yes |
Royal | Old French | Royal, noble. | Yes |
Rudy | Germanic | Famed wolf. | No |
Rumi | Japanese | Beauty, flow. | No |
Ryan | Irish Gaelic | Illustrious. | Yes |
Rylan | Irish | Island meadow. | No |
Sage | Latin | Wise, healthy. | No |
Sailor | English | Occupation/sailor. | No |
Salem | Arabic | Peaceful, complete. | Yes |
Sam | Hebrew | God has heard. | Yes |
Samar | Arabic | Night talk. | No |
Sasha | Slavic | Man's defender. | No |
Sawyer | English | Occupation/wood sawing. | No |
Scout | French | Gatherer of information. | No |
Sean | Irish Gaelic | God is gracious. | No |
Seneca | Latin | Keepers of a great place. | No |
Shae | Irish | Supplanter. | No |
Shannon | Irish Gaelic | Old, ancient. | No |
Shawn | Hebrew | God is gracious. | No |
Shay | Irish | Courteous. | Yes |
Shiloh | Hebrew | The one to whom it belongs. | No |
Sidney | Old English | From St Denis. | Yes |
Sky/Skye | Old English | Of the Isle of Skye. | Yes |
Skyler/Skylar | Dutch | Giving shelter. | Yes |
Sloan/Slone | Irish Gaelic | Warriors. | No |
Spencer | Old English | Provisioner. | No |
Sterling/Stirling | English | High quality, pure. | No |
Stevie | Greek | Crown, victorious. | No |
Storm | Old English | Storm. | Yes |
Sunny | Old English | Bright, happy. | No |
Sutton | Old English | From the southern town. | No |
Sydney | Old French | From Saint Denis. | No |
Sydney/Sidney | Old English | Lives by a wide meadow. | No |
Tanner | Old English | Leather tanner. | Yes |
Tate | Old English | Happy, cheerful. | Yes |
Tatum | English | Cheerful bringer of joy. | Yes |
Taylen | French | Occupation/tailor. | No |
Taylor | Old English | Tailor. | Yes |
Tennessee | American Indian | Meeting place. | No |
Tennyson | Old English | Son of Dennis. | No |
Teri/Terry | Germanic | Smooth. | No |
Texas | Caddo | Friends, allies. | No |
Timber | American | Wood, strong. | No |
Tobin | English | God is good. | No |
Toby/Tobey | Middle English | The goodness of God. | No |
Tony/Toni | English | Worthy of praise. | No |
Tory/Tori | English | Victorious. | No |
Tracy | Old French | Domain of Thracius. | No |
Trinity | Latin | Triad. | No |
Tristan | Welsh | Possibly Sad. | No |
Tru/True | English | Honest. | Yes |
Tyler | Old English | Maker of tiles. | No |
Umber | French | Shade. | No |
Unique | Latin | Only one. | No |
Val | English | Strong. | No |
Valentine | Latin | Strong. | No |
Vesper | Latin | Evening star/prayer. | No |
Vick | Latin | Conqueror. | No |
Wallis/Wallace | Welsh | From Wales. | No |
Wesley | Old English | From the western meadow. | No |
West | Germanic | Lives in the west. | No |
Whitney | Old English | From the white island. | No |
Wilder | Germanic | Hunter. | No |
Winn/Wynn | Welsh | Handsome. | Yes |
Winter | Old English | Winter. | No |
Wisdom | Greek | Wise, smart. | Yes |
Wren | Old English | Wren, a bird. | No |
Wyatt | Old French | Small fighter. | No |
Wynne | Welsh | Fair, pure. | No |
Xen | Japanese | variant transcription of Zen. | No |
Xoan | Hebrew | god is good. | No |
Yael | Hebrew | Strength of God. | Yes |
Zephyr | Greek | West wind. | No |
Zion | Hebrew | Risen up. | No |

Some just can't wait until their second ultrasound to pick the perfect baby name, so they pick a name that is gender-neutral that will fit a baby boy or girl perfectly. Some parents want to pick a name and don't want to know the gender at all, and some simply just like the sound of a gender-neutral name like Riley, Addison, Sam, or Avery. Still others like to be on top of baby name trends, and right now unisex baby names are more popular than ever, especially among more educated, urban, and progressive parents - they are funky and cool, and are still pretty unique in the grand scheme of things.
Picking a gender-neutral name doesn't have to be a political statement, it's just a growing preference among modern parents. True, your grandma might not like it, but she'll get over it! Speaking of grandma, here's a list of some awesome gender-neutral baby gift ideas! Be sure to also check out our simple list of the most popular baby names of the year.
All the baby names listed here work well for girls and boys. Some of them might sound a bit more like a feminine name, and some more like a masculine name, so you'll need to use your (and your partner's!) judgment when finding the perfect baby name. Picking a unisex baby name is an important experience for moms and dads, and you might find that things get pretty controversial! Remember that annoying kid from preschool? Can't have that name! And that terrible person all over the news last year? Can't have that name!
Our advice when picking a gender neutral name is to try to steer clear of the most popular names, for a few reasons. First, your child will likely end up with the same name as another child in their class or playgroup, which can be a little annoying for parents looking for something more unique. Second, the trendy names tend to peak and then fizzle, leaving a small batch of adults with an obscure name that is no longer appreciated as much as it was. Third, think about what the obvious nick-names will be for your baby - for example, some people like the name Sydney or Sidney but not the nick-name Sid, or the name Dakota but not the nick-name Cody. Most importantly, pick something that both you and your partner agree upon, and you can easily imagine using that name when your child is a baby, toddler, teenager, and adult. Some names are great for babies but hard to imagine with an adult, and you won't realize that until you put some thought into it.
Once you've picked a name, head over to our reviews of baby gear to start planning your nursery, picking the best car seat, and investing in some babyproofing for your home.